Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting Older: Ten Tips on How to Stay Healthy

Getting old is bad enough, but being old and sickly is not a comforting thought. As we get older and navigate our way through life, we constantly look for ways to improve our health.

So, how do we grow old gracefully and remain healthy enough to enjoy our golden years? Here are ten tips that will help you live a long and healthy life.

  1. Develop a wellness mindset (thoughts, attitude and beliefs). Be proactive – take appropriate steps to remain healthy and prevent illness and disease.

  2. Eat healthy. Proper nutrition is an imperative. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Follow the 80/20 rule when it comes to what you eat: 80% alkaline foods, 20% acidic foods. An acidic diet will expose you to all kinds of diseases and illnesses.

  3. Work on your posture. Too few people realize that posture plays an important role in their health and quality of live. Bad and forward head posture can be the cause of all sorts of problems including back ache, headaches, muscle fatigue and strain. The position and function of major organs can also be affected by bad posture.

  4. Exercise regularly. Exercise will improve your general metabolism as well as help detoxify your body through sweating. It is not necessary to overwork while you exercise, but you do need to exercise on a regular basis for at least forty minutes per day.

  5. Drink plenty of water. Water truly is the substance of life. Water plays a vital role in nearly every bodily function. It is essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption and chemical reactions, proper circulation in the body and flexibility of the blood vessels. Water helps remove acidic waste (toxins) from the body, particularly from the digestive tract. You cannot exist without water. Coffee and sodas cannot substitute as water.

  6. Be positive. Happiness is a choice – choose to be happy and positive. Negativity can seriously affect your wellbeing.

  7. Balance your HPA axis. Getting your body back to a state of homeostasis is essential to maintaining good health as you get older.

  8. Supplement where necessary. Our bodies do not produce certain nutrients (such as omega-3 fatty acids and iodine) and it may be necessary to supplement if your diet does not deliver these much-needed nutrients.

  9. Eliminate stress from your life. It is not stress that kills us, but rather our inability to adapt to it. Find ways to cope with and relieve stress.

  10. Get enough sleep. Sleep heals and restores the body. Sleep deprivation can lead to deficiencies of the immune system and loss of hormone production.
You are never too old to start living healthy. Whilst these tips may apply to anyone (irrespective of age) that may want to live a long and healthy life, they will become more relevant the older you get.

To learn more about how to balance your hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, please visit

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