Thursday, October 8, 2009

Baby Boomer Health: It Makes Me Sick Just Thinking About It!

The first “Boomers” will turn 65 in 2011, and according to a report published by the American Hospital Association, more than 37 million Boomers - six out of 10 - will be managing more than one chronic condition by 2030. In addition, by the year 2030:

• 14 million Boomers will be living with diabetes - that's one out of every four Boomers.

• Almost half of the Boomers will live with arthritis and that number escalates to just over 26 million in 2020.

• More than one out of three Boomers - over 21 million - will be considered obese.

These statistics are alarming, but is there anything that can be done to avert this medical crisis?

Many experts believe that there is a solution and that the answer lies in the improved health of our endocrine system.

Do YOU have any suggestions?

To find out more about maximum endocrine support, please visit

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