Thursday, July 8, 2010

Heartburn and Indigestion: Is too much Stomach Acid the Cause?

Have you ever experienced the discomfort of heartburn or indigestion? Most people would assume that gastric acid is the cause and immediately resort to antacids, but this may not be the right thing to do.

To understand the cause of your heartburn or discomfort, it’s important to know what is happening within your stomach. Gastric juice is secreted from tiny glands lining your stomach’s walls. The main component of this gastric juice is hydrochloric acid (HCl) that fulfills two important roles:

      1. HCl acts as the first line of defense against food-borne pathogens (e.g. bacteria, fungi, and parasites)

      2. It activates pepsin, the enzyme responsible for breaking down food proteins into peptides.

Your gastric juices normally have a pH of at least 1 to 2. These juices are very acidic (the pH scale is from 0 to 14), but your gastric fluid needs to be this acidic so as to destroy food and water-borne bacteria and other harmful pathogens, such as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).

It should be noted that most peptic ulcer disease is attributable to H. pylori, a common stomach bug that thrives in less acidic environments.

Other components of your gastric juices also play an important role when it comes to the protection of your stomach and your health in general. For example, pepsin works in conjunction with HCl to ward off infections (including H. pylori and E. coli).

In order for you to attain optimal stomach health, you need to strive for a gastric juice pH of below 2.5. This will give you maximum protection against common threats posed by pathogenic (disease causing) micro-organisms that can make you ill.

The antacid industry is booming. Most people start popping antacids when they get heartburn or indigestion. But is this the right thing to do?

Prolonged use of antacids could have serious implication for your stomach health. Antacids neutralize the acid in your stomach and this will affect your levels of HCl and pepsin, both of which are essential to your health. Clearly, antacids are not the solution to the problem.

Most people do not know this, but very often the heartburn and indigestion you have is the result of dehydration. Quite often, the pain you experience is your body’s cry for help. It needs water. You should be drinking water on a regular basis throughout the day.

If your increased water intake is not the solution to the cause of your heartburn or indigestion problem, then you should consider taking natural supplements that will help optimize the pH of your stomach. Talk to your local health to see what they recommend.

But remember this: Many of the digestive problems that you have do not stem from an excess of HCl, but rather a deficiency of HCl. Popping more antacids is not the solution to your heartburn and indigestion problems, and you do not want to unnecessarily be adding any more toxins to your body.

Click on the link to read more articles on healthy living.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Genome Multiplex: The Solution to a Better Tomorrow

Genome Multiplex, a natural compound, was specially formulated to help balance the HPA axis.

Genome Multiplex can benefit you in so many ways. Persons taking Genome Multiplex have reported the following benefits: Increased energy, Improved memory, Improved sexual function, Increased lean muscle mass, Improved blood pressure, Reduced body fat, Improved mood, Reduction of pain from arthritis and Decreased blood sugar. The list goes on.

Genome Multuplex: The Solution to a Better Tomorrow

A balanced HPA axis is crucial to disease prevention, good health and vitality, and longevity. The use of a powerful natural product such as Genome Multiplex can play a major role in helping your body back to a state of homeostasis.

If miscommunication between our cells is part of the reason for progressive aging and disease, you can now understand why our organs begin to fail as we age. On the other hand, if we can improve cellular signaling as we age, we will be able to better support our cells, tissues and organs. Our bodies will function better and our health and well-being will improve. When hormones are restored to more youthful levels, cellular signaling improves, homeostatic balance is reinstated and cell receptor site sensitivity is improved.

And this is precisely what Genome Multiplex seeks to do!

Click on the link to buy Genome Multiplex.

You can watch the following videos on Genome Multiplex:

Genome Multiplex and Adrenal Stress

Genome Multiplex – Your Antiaging Solution

Genome Multiplex – Optimal HPA Axis Support

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Salt Crystal Lamps - Do They Work?

Himalayan salt crystal lamps have been used for centuries for their reputed health benefits, but do they work? According to many health experts, salt rock lamps offer a myriad of health benefits.


From a scientific perspective, this is how salt crystal lamps work.

The atomic structure of crystal salt is bound electrically, not molecularly, and this enables the salt crystal to change back and forth from a crystalline to a liquid state.

Salt crystal lamps offer a myriad of health benefits.

The heat of the bulb in the salt crystal lamp creates a higher surface temperature than the surrounding air in the room. This attracts water molecules in the cooler surrounding air, resulting in condensation on the surface of the salt rock crystal. This process enables the electrically bound sodium chloride mineral to split into independent (positive) sodium and (negative) chloride ions.

Once the water molecules evaporate, the sodium and chloride ions revert to their crystalline mineral form. This natural ionization process takes place over and over again, invisible to the eye, and does not affect the quality of the salt crystal.

When lit by a small light bulb of 15 watt or less, a rock crystal salt lamp emits an electrical charge that releases healthy negative ions into the air. These negative ions kill bacteria, molds, mildews and spores, odors, cigarette smoke, chemical gases, pet odors, pollens, dust and dust mites, animal dander, viruses, static electricity, carbon monoxide, and much more.

Click on the links to learn more about negative ions and the health benefits of salt rock lamps.

Click on the link if you want to buy Himalayan salt crystal lamps

Click on the link if you would like to read more articles on healthy living.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Healthy Living Tips and Advice

Most of us want to be healthy, but because of work commitments or raising a family, we simply don’t have the time to educate ourselves. Nor do we have the time to do the required research necessary to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Fortunately, others have done the work for us. If you don’t like to read, take advantage of the healthy living videos by clicking on the link.

You can also follow the HealthyLivingTips channel on YouTube.

If you prefer to read, you will find many healthy living articles by clicking on the link.

The resources mentioned above are full of healthy tips and advice that will enable you make healthy choices for disease prevention and overall good health.

To your better health!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Antiaging Nutritional Supplement

Discover How to Reverse Those Age-related Diseases
and Illnesses With a Nutritional Supplement that
Supports True Antiaging

We are all searching for the Holy Grail, an antiaging nutritional supplement that will turn back the hands of time. True anti aging can only occur at a cellular level. Read further and you will discover how it is possible to reverse those age-related diseases and illnesses with a nutritional supplement that supports true antiaging.

The key to living healthy as you age resides with your hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (or HPA axis as it is generally known), but before we discuss the importance of the HPA axis in more depth it would be a good idea to put things in perspective so that you fully appreciate how our bodies function.

Click here to watch the Video on a true Antiaging Nutritional Supplement.

Genome Multiplex is a natural antiaging supplement that assists in bringing balance to the HPA axis. This in turn helps the endocrine system to achieve homeostasis and operate efficiently. The endocrine system then secretes hormones at more youthful levels resulting in improved cellular signaling. In this manner we are able to support the age-reversing process at a cellular level that ultimately translates to an improvement in longevity, vitality, health and wellness, and true antiaging.

Click here to read more about a true Antiaging Nutritional Supplement.

Adrenal Stress: The HPA Axis is the Key

Adrenal stress is a term that describes a set of symptoms related to the way your body manages stress. Stress is a part of your daily life. Some stress is good, some stress is bad. You’ve probably heard this expression before: Stress is a killer. Well, it’s not quite correct. It’s not stress that kills us, but rather our inability to adapt to it.

Click to watch the video on ADRENAL STRESS

We live in a fast-paced world. We constantly push our minds and bodies to the limit working long hours, fighting endless traffic on the roads, dealing with family-related issues, coping with financial problems, eating fast food on the run, etc.

With the combined effects of a decrease in the quality of our food sources (depleted soils, GMO food production and processed foods), environmental pollution and the emotional stress induced by our fast-paced lives, our bodies are finding it harder and harder to successfully adapt and maintain metabolic equilibrium.

Click here to read the full article on adrenal stress.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Processed Meat is a Serious Health Risk

Salt and chemical preservatives appear to be the problem!

A recent study has revealed that eating bacon, sausage, hot dogs and other processed meats can raise the risk of heart disease and diabetes. The study focused on the link between eating processed and unprocessed red meat and the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Eating processed meat increases the risk of
heart attacks and diabetes

This study noted that eating unprocessed beef, pork or lamb appeared NOT to raise risks of heart attacks and diabetes.

The results of the study suggest that salt and chemical preservatives may be the real cause of these two health problems associated with eating meat.

Discover more by clicking here to watch the video.

Is Sleep Loss Killing You Slowly?

Losing just an hour’s sleep can leave you tired, groggy and unable to function for the rest of the day. But if you think the consequences are only temporary, you’re in for a HUGE shock: studies show that sleep loss can ruin more than just your day. Over time, it will ruin your health as well.

Sleep loss can ruin your health and slowly kill you.

Emerging research has linked sleep deprivation to:

• significant increases in triglycerides, LDL and total cholesterol levels

• dangerous drops in health-boosting HDL cholesterol.

Studies have found that getting less than six hours of sleep per night:

• Increases your risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks and stroke;

• Boosts your chances of developing metabolic syndrome by a whopping 45 percent;

• Raises your risk of several types of cancer, such as breast cancer, colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer, prostate cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

Discover more by clicking here to watch the video.

Click on the link to read more articles on healthy living.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Secret to Longevity and Anti Aging Revealed?

When it comes to living longer, looking younger and losing weight, everyone is searching for the holy grail, but the solution is relatively simple. If you want to live longer, look younger and lose weight, you need to live a healthier lifestyle.

Four common bad habits combined — smoking, drinking too much, inactivity and poor diet — can age you by 12 years, according to new research.

The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000 British adults for 20 years, and they highlight yet another reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

The risky behaviors were: smoking tobacco; downing more than three alcoholic drinks per day for men and more than two daily for women; getting less than two hours of physical activity per week; and eating fruits and vegetables fewer than three times daily.

These habits combined substantially increased the risk of death and made people who engaged in them seem 12 years older than people in the healthiest group, said lead researcher Elisabeth Kvaavik of the University of Oslo.

Click here to read the full story.

Bacteria in your gut may be the cause of obesity and weight gain

Most experts concur that living healthy is the best way to prevent obesity or being overweight, but a recently-released study on mice (led by Andrew Gewirtz at Emory University) shows some promise.

The study concludes that your intestines harbor a universe of bacteria - the so-called gut microbiota - that may play an important role in whether your body will store the food you eat as extra pounds.

The authors explain in their paper (published in Science Express) the cause that may account for the extra weight. Inflammatory signaling can promote a condition called metabolic syndrome, which causes weight gain, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, and a higher risk for developing diabetes and heart disease.

Fatter mice were bred for the study, to lack a protein known as toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5).

The job of TLR5 is to control the mass of pathogens living in the intestine; without it, the normally harmless gut bacteria tend to over flourish and increase in number. When these bugs proliferate, it triggers an inflammatory state as the body attempts to respond to the increasing population of bugs, and at the same time makes cells less sensitive to insulin.

Inflammatory factors and insulin compete for the attention of the same intestinal cells; if the cells are busy responding to inflammatory factors, then they are less likely to take up glucose and process it effectively. This desensitization to insulin and glucose then leads to the symptoms of metabolic syndrome, such as weight gain, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels and elevated blood pressure - which were all present in the TLR5-deficient mice.

So, what causes changes in gut microbiota? Many things, says Gewirtz, including the use of antibiotics, cleaner water and improved sanitation and hygiene in general, which influences the type and amount of microbes that reside in the intestines.

Click here to read the full story.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Healthy Living: Twelve Steps to Guaranteed Better Health

If you're looking for a healthy living book that packs some punch, then look no further.

How would you like to lose weight, live longer, regain your energy, look younger and attain vibrant health? If this sounds like you, then the book Healthy Living: Twelve Steps to Guaranteed Better Health was written especially for you.

This is what Dr Shawn Stipich, the former WWE wrestling superstar Shawn Staziak, had to say about the book: “Every once in a while a book comes along that is truly worth reading. Such a book is Healthy Living: Twelve Steps to Guaranteed Better Health. But I’ll go one step further. Every home in America should have a copy of this book. It’s mandatory reading. Unless the message in this book is heard loud and clear, our nation’s health will continue to decline.”

  • Have you ever wondered why there are twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes in America, the wealthiest nation in the world?
  • Would you like to know precisely why that is so that you don’t fall into the trap?
  • Are you striving for optimal health and somehow just don’t get there?
  • Do you want to improve your health?
  • Are you obese or overweight and need help? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
  • Do you lack energy and the ability to concentrate?
  • Are you visiting your doctor regularly?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then the book Healthy Living: Twelve Steps to Guaranteed Better Health is a must read.

The book is available in ebook format and you can download it right now and be reading it in less than a couple of minutes. This is what you will discover in the ebook:
  • The real reason for the twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes and what you need to do to avoid them.
  • Practical tips on how to improve your health, energy and vitality without expensive supplements.
  • How to lose weight for good.
  • Twelve steps to holistic and balanced living that will improve your health, guaranteed.
You can watch the video here:

You can find out more here:

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bisphenol A (BPA): The time has come to ban this chemical

Bisphenol A (BPA) is living on borrowed time. And not just in the United States but now in Europe too where mounting consumer hostility and scientific concern over its safety have combined to push the chemical towards the point of no return.

Just a few months ago, it seemed the storm of anxiety surrounding BPA was a North American phenomenon, with Canada and a bevy of US states introducing bans on the substance used in polycarbonate bottles and epoxy food can linings.

Make sure your plastic containers do not contain BPA,
a chemical that mimics naturally occurring estrogen.

Meanwhile, the issue barely registered in the minds of consumers in Europe who seemed broadly content to accept assurances from food safety bodies that all was well with BPA. But the last few months have seen European opposition to BPA attain a momentum that threatens to steamroll anybody in its path – including those white-coated experts at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

But why?

Almost all food safety bodies across the globe have been resolute in their view that the substance poses no risk to human health at current exposure rates. Sticking to the science and steering clear of emotion-based rhetoric is the best way of attaining the Holy Grail of food safety, is the mantra from Washington DC to Parma and beyond. And the science around the safety of BPA was a fortress, they said

House of cards

The first crack in the seemingly impregnable edifice appeared in January with an acrobatic opinion from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declaring the chemical to be safe while simultaneously calling for its use to be phased out in food packaging and the need for greater scrutiny of BPA-containing substances.

Weeks later, France talked of “warning signs” over BPA and the need for further investigation. Denmark went one step further last month by introducing a temporary ban on the substance in packaging for children aged 0-3 until its safety could be demonstrated.

The citadel of certainty surrounding the safety of BPA has threatened to become nothing more than a house of cards.

A difference in emphasis in US and European safety philosophies may also hasten BPA’s demise in food packaging on this side of the Atlantic. In the US, the burden of proof needed to ban a substance is weighted on showing that it poses a threat. In other words, it is innocent until proven guilty. This is exactly how it should be in the human justice system but more questionable when dealing with a potentially toxic chemical that could harm millions.

You can view a related video here:

By contrast, the precautionary principle that informs European food safety thinking allows for the exclusion of substances if they are suspected of causing harm – in other words they must prove their innocence. This approach is exactly why Denmark chose to ban BPA and why France has launched its own investigation into the chemical. It is significant that both agencies were at pains to stress the scientific basis for their decisions.

Last week, a UK newspaper ran numerous articles on the potential dangers of BPA showing it is now clearly on the radar of consumers. An international coalition of eight eminent scientists also said the weight of hard evidence justified a ban on the chemical.

Click here to read the full story:


Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical used to make plastics hard. Exposure to BPA is believed to come from the linings of canned foods, especially acidic foods like soda and tomato sauce.

There is mounting evidence to suggest that ongoing exposure to BPA may be contributing to a numerous medical conditions, including prostate cancer, breast cancer, early puberty onset, alterations in gender-specific behavior, decreased sperm count, affects on fertility, affects on obesity and insulin resistance, behavioral effects including hyperactivity, increased aggressiveness, impaired learning and other changes in behavior.

BPA apparently mimics naturally occurring estrogen, a hormone that is part of the endocrine system, the body's finely tuned messaging service.

In 2004, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 95% of Americans had BPA in their urine.

In January 2010, the FDA finally came to their senses and expressed their concerns about possible health risks from BPA. Their announcement stated that they had “some concerns about the potential effects of BPA on the brain, behavior and prostate gland of fetuses, infants and children” and would join other federal agencies in studying the chemical in both animals and humans. One wonders why it has taken the FDA so long to wake up and finally take some action. Despite the FDA’s concern, they have not banned the chemical’s use in plastics.

BPA is very often found in polycarbonate plastic food containers that should be marked “PC” or with the recycling number 7, so avoid such items. Plastics with the recycling label numbers 1, 2 and 4 do not contain BPA.

If you are a parent and feed your child infant formula, you should choose the powdered version if possible. Cans of infant formula are lined with an epoxy containing BPA, but the FDA found that the BPA only leaches from the linings into liquid formula and not the powdered variety.

Tests have shown that the highest levels of BPA are found in canned soups and pasta, but it has also been found in canned fruits, vegetables and beverages. You would be far better off buying frozen vegetables than anything in a can.

There is ample evidence to suggest that BPA should be banned. Check your canned goods. If the linings contain BPA, buy something else. If the label does not provide the information, ask the store manager if the plastic lining of the can contains BPA.

BPA is found in numerous household products, from drink containers (including baby bottles) and food packaging to the lining of canned goods. Your safest bet is to avoid canned goods and plastic containers (especially food containers) altogether.

You can view a related video here:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Compulsive Eating of Junk Food can be as Addictive as Cocaine and Heroin

Scripps Research Study Shows Compulsive Eating Shares Same Addictive Biochemical Mechanism with Cocaine, Heroin Abuse

The Research Provides New Clues to Obesity Epidemic

JUPITER, FL, March 23, 2010 –In a newly published study, scientists from The Scripps Research Institute have shown for the first time that the same molecular mechanisms that drive people into drug addiction are behind the compulsion to overeat, pushing people into obesity.

Junk food can be as addictive as cocaine or heroin.

The new study, conducted by Scripps Research Associate Professor Paul J. Kenny and graduate student Paul M. Johnson, was published March 28, 2010 in an advance online edition of the journal Nature Neuroscience.

The study's startling findings received widespread publicity after a preliminary abstract was presented at a Society for Neuroscience meeting in Chicago last October. Articles heralding the new discovery appeared in news publications around the world, focusing on the point obese patients have been making for years – that, like addiction to other substances, junk food binging is extremely difficult to stop.

The study goes significantly further than the abstract, however, demonstrating clearly that in rat models the development of obesity coincides with a progressively deteriorating chemical balance in reward brain circuitries. As these pleasure centers in the brain become less and less responsive, rats quickly develop compulsive overeating habits, consuming larger quantities of high-calorie, high-fat foods until they become obese. The very same changes occur in the brains of rats that over consume cocaine or heroin, and are thought to play an important role in the development of compulsive drug use.

Kenny, a scientist at Scripps Research's Florida campus, said that the study, which took nearly three years to complete, confirms the "addictive" properties of junk food.

Click here to read the full story.
So who is to blame for the twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes (they are related)? The people who eat compulsively, parents who don’t know any better and feed their families processed food, or the manufacturers of our food supply?

Have you ever looked at an obese child and wondered why they are overweight?

In my opinion the problem starts at home, and this is where the battle needs to be fought.

Through ignorance or simple laziness, parents are feeding their children processed food as opposed to healthy, nutritious, home-cooked meals. Ninety percent of the money spent on food in the U.S. is spent on processed food, food that lacks fiber and nutrition. To make matters worse, this food is heavily laced with man-made toxins that ensure that you become addicted to junk food and crave more (you over eat because the chemicals in your food have disabled your brain from telling you to stop eating).


Make no mistake: the manufacturers of our food supply know precisely what they are doing. They are turning our children into food junkies, and they are doing it on purpose - all in the name of profit.

Parents need to become more proactive. They need to stop buying processed food and prevent their children from eating junk food. They need to lead by example. Fresh fruit and vegetables need to become the norm. Exercise and outdoor activities should become a way of life. The solution to the problem needs to be family-based.

Collectively, we need to vote with our wallets. Boycott anything containing high fructose corn syrup (the real reason behind the twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes in the US), aspartame, bisphenol A (BPA), sugar, sodium benzoate, monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates and nitrites. Better yet, don’t buy anything that has a label.

The government can help by banning food additives such as high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, MSG, etc.

Eating healthful, fresh foods combined with moderate exposure to the sun and daily exercise is the solution to optimum health and wellness - and the ultimate solution to obesity.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Vitamin D can Save the Global Economy Hundreds of Billions in Health Costs

Ensuring the German population gets adequate intakes of vitamin D could save the country about €37.5 billion in health care costs, according to a new review.

Writing in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, Professor Armin Zittermann from Ruhr University Bochum states that up to 45 per cent of the German population could be vitamin D insufficient, with an additional 15 to 30 per cent deficient, thereby putting them at risk at a variety of health problems.

Moderate sun exposure is absolutely crucial to your
health. This is the way your skin produces
Vitamin D3, a powerful healing chemical.

In addition, current recommendations are not enough and need to be doubled at least, wrote Prof Zittermann, with daily intakes of 25 micrograms required. This would represent a significant increase from current recommendations, which range from 5 to 10 micrograms per day.

View a related video here:

“Adherence to present sun safety policy and dietary recommendations would definitively lead to vitamin D deficiency,” states Prof Zittermann. “Therefore, there is an urgent need to change current sun safety policy and dietary vitamin D recommendations.”

Vitamin D deficiency in adults is reported to precipitate or exacerbate osteopenia, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, fractures, common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and cardiovascular diseases. There is also some evidence that the vitamin may reduce the incidence of several types of cancer and type-1 diabetes.

The science supporting the muscle function of vitamin D, as well as the vitamin’s role in immune health, is sufficiently robust to have merited a positive opinion from the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA).

Despite such proclamations of support, many people across the world are not getting enough vitamin D. Prof Zitterman reviewed data from the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey (GNHIES), and the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS), and concluded that between 40 and 45 per cent of the general German population is vitamin D insufficient, whiel an additional 15 to 30 per are vitamin D deficient.

Click here to read the full story:


Many of us have been brainwashed into believing that exposure to the sun is bad for you. It’s true that chronic, excessive exposure to sunlight does increase the risk of skin cancer, but sensible, moderate sun exposure is absolutely crucial to your health because this is the way your skin produces Vitamin D3, one of the most powerful healing chemicals that your body can produce.

Although it has been labeled a vitamin, D3 is actually a very powerful steroid hormone that regulates over 2000 (of your 30,000) genes. This should illustrate to you just how important it is to your health.

It has been estimated that approximately one billion people worldwide have vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency. Dr. Michael Holick, who has been researching vitamin D deficiency for over 30 years, believes that vitamin D deficiency is epidemic throughout the entire United States, through all age groups.

The following statistics amplify Dr. Holick’s assertion:

• Over 40,000 Americans die annually from cancer caused by Vitamin D deficiency

• Research suggests that 85% of the U.S. population could be vitamin D deficient without knowing it

• 32% of doctors and medical school students are vitamin D deficient

• 42% of African-American women of childbearing age are deficient in vitamin D

• 48% of young girls (9-11 years old) are vitamin D deficient

• 76% of pregnant mothers are severely vitamin D deficient, causing a vitamin D deficiency in their unborn children (and this predisposes them to type 1 diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia later in life)

• 81% of children who had vitamin D deficient mothers were also Vitamin D deficient

How to Get Your Share of Vitamin D3

The best source of vitamin D3 is direct exposure to the sun (and it’s free). Dr. Holick recommends that you expose 6 to 10% of your body to the sun a couple of times a week and this should be sufficient to get all the vitamin D your body needs to function optimally. Other experts suggest daily sun exposure, from 10 to 20 minutes per day.

Cod liver oil is another good source of vitamin D3.

You can get some vitamin D from your diet, but it’s unlikely that you will get all you need. Oily fish like salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel contains vitamin D, but you would have to eat salmon and mackerel 3 to 5 times a week in order to get your vitamin D requirement.

You can also use a vitamin supplement, but make sure that it is vitamin D3 and NOT D2. There are two forms of vitamin D that the human body can synthesize and use: D2 and D3 – the latter is a lot more powerful and effective.

Please Take Note

1. You should note that sunscreen blocks your skin’s ability to produce vitamin D. When you’re outside in the sun, do not apply any sunscreen for the first fifteen minutes. If you remain in the sun and wish to wear sunscreen, apply it only after 15 minutes exposure to the sun.

2. Recent research has revealed that it takes your body 48 hours to absorb the vitamin D produced by your skin. Until it is absorbed, the vitamin remains on the surface of the skin. Apparently the soaps and gels that we commonly use to wash ourselves can actually get rid of the vitamin D as well. After exposure to the sun, it may be a good idea to rinse off the entire body with warm water and only wash the “essential” areas until the vitamin is entirely absorbed.

3. One of cholesterol's many functions in the body is to act as a precursor to vitamin D. If you’re taking drugs such as Statins to lower the cholesterol in your blood, this will decrease your capacity to produce vitamin D3.

Click here to read more articles on healthy living.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Children’s Foundation for Nutrition and Wellness

I’m angry!

Sometimes it takes anger to drive you to do something.

I’m passionate about health and wellness and my personal philosophy is to “Improve the Quality of Life.” This does not apply to me alone, but to anyone and everyone.

Happy, healthy children are what all parents desire - so
why are so many of our children overweight or obese?

My dream is to live in a society free of disease where we can all live in peace and harmony. That’s the dream. And I know I cannot influence most of that. But I am determined to do what I can to improve the quality of life of others through education, helping them to live healthier and more productive lives.

So, why am I angry?

Every time I go shopping, I see parents with their shopping carts chock full with food – processed food. Not a single fresh item in sight! These parents normally have two or three children in tow - all of them overweight or obese.

And they are not alone.

The next time you go shopping, take a good look around you. Most people have shopping carts full of processed food: frozen foods, canned goods, instant meals, ice cream. Nothing but garbage in a pretty container or packet.

There’s nothing nutritious in these shopping carts. Is there any wonder that their children are overweight, obese and unhealthy?

I’ve made several blog posts lately about childhood obesity. In a couple of them, I’ve used the same image of an obese child. Every time I see this image, I get angrier and angrier. It’s not the children’s fault that they end up getting fat and unhealthy. They eat what’s given to them by their parents.

I now realize that merely writing about obesity is not enough. To make a difference I need to get more proactive.

This entire nation has been oversized and it’s time the madness ended.

We will start by educating the parents and the children. We will teach them about proper nutrition and reverse this perverse mindset that pervades our society.

The Children’s Foundation for Nutrition and Wellness is born.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Obesity: Study Finds Intestinal Bacteria May Cause Weight Gain

A recently-released study on mice (led by Andrew Gewirtz at Emory University) concludes that your intestines harbor a universe of bacteria - the so-called gut microbiota - that may play an important role in whether your body will store the food you eat as extra pounds.

The authors explain in their paper (published in Science Express) the cause that may account for the extra weight. Inflammatory signaling can promote a condition called metabolic syndrome, which causes weight gain, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, and a higher risk for developing diabetes and heart disease.

Fatter mice were bred for the study, to lack a protein known as toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5).

The job of TLR5 is to control the mass of pathogens living in the intestine; without it, the normally harmless gut bacteria tend to over flourish and increase in number. When these bugs proliferate, it triggers an inflammatory state as the body attempts to respond to the increasing population of bugs, and at the same time makes cells less sensitive to insulin.

Inflammatory factors and insulin compete for the attention of the same intestinal cells; if the cells are busy responding to inflammatory factors, then they are less likely to take up glucose and process it effectively. This desensitization to insulin and glucose then leads to the symptoms of metabolic syndrome, such as weight gain, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels and elevated blood pressure - which were all present in the TLR5-deficient mice.

So, what causes changes in gut microbiota? Many things, says Gewirtz, including the use of antibiotics, cleaner water and improved sanitation and hygiene in general, which influences the type and amount of microbes that reside in the intestines.

In the absence of TLR5, the community of microbes in your gut changes and, as Gewirtz says, "when the intestinal bacteria is changed, the host response changes with them, and that may predispose you to a variety of diseases of which obesity and metabolic syndrome are perhaps the most mild."

Further studies still need to be done to find out exactly what and how the TLR5 and/or gut bugs can be changed for positive outcomes for humans (especially as it applies to obesity), but this is certainly a very promising study.

Read the full story here.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rate of Childhood Obesity Soars 10.8% in Four Years

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. children eat an average three snacks a day on top of three regular meals, a finding that could explain why the childhood obesity rate has risen to more than 16 percent, researchers said on Tuesday.

Children snack so often that they are "moving toward constant eating," Carmen Piernas and Barry Popkin of the University of North Carolina reported.

More than 27 percent of calories that American kids take in come from snacks, Piernas and Popkin reported in the journal Health Affairs. The researchers defined snacks as food eaten outside regular meals.

The studies will help fuel President Barack Obama's initiative to fight obesity in childhood, something Obama's wife, first lady Michelle Obama, notes could drive up already soaring U.S. healthcare costs.

Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, wrote a commentary calling for taxes on sugary drinks and junk food, zoning restrictions on fast-food outlets around schools and bans on advertising unhealthy food to children.

"Government at national, state, and local levels, spearheaded by public health agencies, must take action," he wrote.

Piernas and Popkin looked at data on 31,337 children aged 2 to 18 from four different federal surveys on food and eating.

"Childhood snacking trends are moving toward three snacks per day, and more than 27 percent of children's daily calories are coming from snacks. The largest increases have been in salty snacks and candy. Desserts and sweetened beverages remain the major sources of calories from snacks," they wrote.

"Children increased their caloric intake by 113 calories per day from 1977 to 2006," they added.


"This raises the question of whether the physiological basis for eating is becoming deregulated, as our children are moving toward constant eating."

In a second study in the journal, Christina Bethell of the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland and colleagues analyzed data from the 2007 National Survey of Children's Health to find the rate of obesity for children 10 to 17 rose from 14.8 percent in 2003 to 16.4 percent in 2007. (Editors note: This is an increase of 10.8% in four years!)

The percentage of children who are overweight stayed at around 15 percent, they found.

"While combined overweight and obesity rates appear to be leveling off, our findings suggest a possible increase in the severity of the national childhood obesity epidemic," Bethell said in a statement.

Parents, educators and policymakers all hold responsibility for this, Michelle Obama told the School Nutrition Association conference in Washington on Monday.

"Our kids didn't do this to themselves," Obama said.

"From fast food, to vending machines packed with chips and candy, to a la carte lines, we tempt our kids with all kinds of unhealthy choices every day."

Other studies have shown that obese children are more likely to stay obese as adults, and they develop chronic conditions at younger ages, burdening the healthcare system.

"You see kids who are at higher risk of conditions like diabetes, and cancer, and heart disease -- conditions that cost billions of dollars a year to treat," Michelle Obama said.

The administration has launched an initiative to tackle the issue by improving nutritional standards, getting food companies to voluntarily improve nutrition standards, help kids exercise more and educating parents.

The effects extend beyond health. Bethell's study found that overweight or obese children were 32 percent more likely to have to repeat a grade in school and 59 percent more likely than normal weight kids to have missed more than two weeks of school.


At first glance, constant snacking may be seen as the problem, but this is just on a surface level. We cannot merely blame the kids for constant snacking. It’s not their fault. Blame it on the corporations that make these worthless snacks. Blame it on the kids' parents who mostly want to take the easy way out when it comes to feeding their family.

Problem #1

The biggest problem we have is that some of the corporations that make these snacks invariably include all kinds of man-made chemicals in the manufacturing process. These chemicals literally “hook” the kids. They eat more because the additives in these snacks trick the brain into believing that you are still hungry.

These chemicals are high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) – the real reason behind the twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes in the U.S. – and aspartame, a neurotoxin that was previously listed by the Pentagon as a biochemical warfare agent. How aspartame got into our food chain is the stuff movies are made from, and Michael Moore ought to be all over this for his next explosive documentary.

The Obama administration should ban the use of these toxic chemicals in our foods. This will save billions in healthcare costs going forward. There are natural, safe alternatives to HFCS and aspartame. We should use them. The reason we don’t use them is because they cannot be patented and therefore the manufacturers of these toxic chemicals cannot make billions of dollars whilst they poison the nation.

Problem #2

Parents need to understand the problem. They need to educate themselves about the cause of childhood obesity and how it can be avoided and remedied.

We live in a fast-paced world. Many parents use this excuse to avoid cooking healthy, freshly-prepared meals. This needs to stop. Parents need to become more acquainted with proper nutrition and healthy eating.

Mindsets need to be altered. Lifestyles need to change.

The epidemic of childhood obesity can be stopped dead in its tracks, but it requires commitment from the parents: A commitment to learn, and a commitment to change.

Problem #3

Schools need to be more proactive. They are there to educate. They should pay more attention to health and nutrition education and ban the sale of unhealthy foods and snacks on school grounds. Their pupils will thank them for it later in life. Better still, let’s pass some federal laws banning the sale of unhealthy foods and snacks on school grounds.

Problem #4

We need to educate the children. They need to know why so many of their peers are obese and overweight. They need to understand the importance of proper nutrition and regular exercise.

This education process should be started at schools, but probably will not. And parents should continue the education process at home. They need to lead by example.

FDA Cracks Down on Food Label Claims

FDA chief Margaret Hamburg has pushed forward the agency’s promised crackdown on labeling claims with an open letter to industry, and 17 individual warning letters.

It's time food manufactureres became more honest
and labeled their products correctly.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned in October that it would consider using its regulatory tools “if voluntary action by the food industry does not result in a common, credible approach” to front-of-pack and on-shelf labeling. It has also said it is researching ways in which the Nutrition Facts panel could be revised to make it more helpful to consumers.

Read the full story ….


It’s about time the FDA forced food manufacturers to label their products in a more honest manner. They should also ban manufacturers from constantly changing names of products as soon as consumers become aware that a particular product is problematic.

There’s no limit to the deceitful nature of some corporations. Ajinomoto, producer of aspartame, a neurotoxin that is in so much of our food, is launching a new initiative that will rebrand the sweetener as “AminoSweet”.

Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. These reported reactions include seizures and death.

Here are some of the documented symptoms caused by aspartame: Headaches and migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, vertigo, memory loss and joint pain.

And this poison is in so much of our food supply! The food label should have NEON LIGHTS warning us of such chemicals.

Aaspartame was previously listed by the Pentagon as a biochemical warfare agent. This stuff is dangerous! It’s the most controversial food additive in history.

Ajinomoto announced that they chose to rebrand their product under the name AminoSweet to “remind the industry that aspartame tastes just like sugar, and that it’s made from amino acids – the building blocks of protein that are abundant in our diet.” What a load of drivel! This corporation has no conscience whatsoever.

Watch out for AminoSweet and if you see it on any food label in your local store, boycott the product.

Other chemicals to watch out for include high fructose corn syrup (the real reason behind the twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes in the US), bisphenol A (BPA), sugar, sodium benzoate, monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates and nitrites.

Forcing manufacturers to label their products in a more honest manner may seem like a solution for some, but the only real protection for consumers is to BAN these man-made chemicals.

The best advice I can give anyone is, if it has a label, you probably should not buy it. Eating healthful, fresh foods is the solution to optimum health and wellness.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Childhood Obesity: Mrs. Obama, Here is the Solution

The first lady, Michelle Obama, has launched a very ambitious plan to end the American plague of childhood obesity in a single generation. I applaud her for this herculean task.

“We want to eliminate this problem of childhood obesity in a generation. We want to get that done," the first lady told Good Morning America's Robin Roberts in an exclusive morning television interview. "We want our kids to face a different and more optimistic future in terms of their lifespan."

The first lady, Michelle Obama, has launched an
ambitious program to combat childhood obesity.

The far-reaching, nationwide campaign called "Let's Move" calls for a myriad initiatives that target what Mrs. Obama calls four key pillars: Getting parents more informed about nutrition and exercise, improving the quality of food in schools, making healthy foods more affordable and accessible for families, and focusing more on physical education. This is a great idea and I wish Mrs. Obama luck with this initiative.

"We all know the numbers," said Mrs. Obama. "I mean, one in three kids is overweight or obese, and we're spending $150 billion a year treating obesity-related illnesses. So we know this is a problem, and there's a lot at stake."

At a recent meeting of governors, Mrs. Obama sought their support for her program to tackle childhood obesity, but the only support she really needs is someone much closer to her: the President. And the solution is relatively easy, but do the Obama’s have the courage to tackle it?

The real cause of the twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes in America is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), a man-made chemical added to just about every processed food. This poison interferes with your hormones (this is the way your body communicates at a cellular level) and prevents your brain from telling you that you are full and need to stop eating.

If you consider that of all the money spent on food in the USA, ninety percent (yes, 90%!) is spent on processed food, devoid of any fiber or nutrition and chock full of HFCS.

Educating parents and exercise is part of the solution, but it's unlikely to help much if you keep eating processed food that contains neurotoxic chemicals designed to make you eat more. BANNING HFCS will win the war against childhood obesity and diabetes – it will kill two birds with one stone.

Banning HFCS will not be easy – there are too many “vested interests” and the food and pharmaceutical companies will no doubt have a lot to say, but the President needs to do this. If ever he (and for that matter, the first lady) wants to leave behind a legacy of note, then THIS IS IT. It will save millions of people from a lifetime of suffering, not to mention the billions of dollars in wasted and unnecessary medical bills.

President Obama appointed the new head of the FDA. It’s time he put pressure on her to do the right thing. The health of the nation depends on it.

* Source: Getty Images

Friday, February 12, 2010

Strong Link Between Childhood Obesity and Premature Death

According to government figures, 32 percent of American children and adolescents are overweight or obese.

The results of a recently concluded study on childhood obesity were published in The New England Journal. The results are troubling, but certainly not surprising.

Obese children have more than double the risk of
premature death due to natural causes.

The study found that the heaviest quarter of participants had more than double the risk of premature death due to natural causes – such as heart disease, cancer, alcoholic liver disease, diabetes and infections – than those whose body mass index put them in the lowest quartile of the population.

Parents should take note that when they take their children to the doctor for a check up, their child’s blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels can all be fine, but if their child is obese, it’s the obesity that needs to be addressed since this is the cause of premature death.

The researchers wrote: “Our observations, combined with those of other investigators, suggest that failure to reverse this trend may have wide-reaching consequences for the quality of life and longevity. Such evidence underscores the importance of preventing obesity starting in the early years of life.”

You can read the full story here:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Some Relief for Cancer Patients

A non-profit organization based in Dallas is cleaning up – literally – for cancer patients undergoing cancer treatment.

Cleaning for Cancer is the brainchild of Laporsha Williams, a young Dallas woman whose compassion for the sick and elderly is quite remarkable.

Laporsha, who has been in the cleaning business for eight years, felt that she wanted to help those who were struggling to help themselves, particularly those patients going through the trauma of cancer treatment.

The mission of Cleaning for Cancer is to provide cancer patients with a free professional housekeeping or maid service during the period of their cancer treatment.

“We are passionate about our mission. It’s our way of showing support and sharing the load, one room at a time,” says Laporsha.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Study Links Energy Drinks to Heart Attack Risk

Energy drinks have become increasingly popular in recent years. In fact, it’s a multi-billion dollar industry, but it appears that these drinks could also expose you to a greater risk of heart attack.

Scientists at the University of Adelaide, Australia, looked at the impact of consuming one 250-ml energy drink on platelet and endothelial function (heart attack risk is strongly associated with platelet and endothelial dysfunction).

Red Bull says the study is old and disputes the findings

The researchers noted an increase in platelet aggregation, and an impairment of endothelial function, among study participants one hour after they drank the energy drink. A significant increase in arterial blood pressure was also recorded but there was no significant change in heart rate.

The scientists said it remains uncertain which ingredients are responsible for their findings and that more research was needed.

A spokesperson for the British Heart Foundation agreed. “This research showed blood changes in young people, but we cannot say from the study that this would lead to any heart problems occurring. However the study does illustrate the urgent need for further research in this area.”

Many energy drinks contain multiple stimulants that are not identified, in addition to lots of sugar and caffeine (a diuretic). They can cause dehydration, especially if mixed with alcohol and now they have been linked to possible heart attack as well.

Most sensible people have known for a long time that energy drinks can be dangerous if consumed in quantities. Why does the FDA not enforce stricter standards for energy drinks and other so-called functional food?

For the most part, these foods are better described as dysfunctional. It’s time the FDA woke up and started protecting the consumer. Is this not why they were formed in the first place?

You can read the full article here:

Vitamin Insufficiency is Boosting Age-related Diseases: Prof. Bruce Ames

The world-reknown scientist, Professor Bruce Ames (from the University of California, Berkeley) has developed a “triage theory” that could have enormous implications for human health.

The word “triage” is from the French word trier meaning to sort, separate, or select.

Micronutrient deficiencies could trigger age-related diseases.

In the context of human health, Prof. Ames believes that natural selection favors short-term survival over the long-term and that our body’s short-term survival is achieved by prioritising the allocation of scarce micronutrients. In other words, if you have a shortage of micronutrients in a major organ (such as the heart, for example) then your body will pull those necessary nutrients from non-essential sources.

This theory was first proposed in 2006 to explain why age-related diseases like heart disease, cancer, and dementia may be unintended consequences of mechanisms developed during evolution to protect against episodic vitamin/mineral shortages.

Although Prof. Ames is applying the theory to micronutrient deficiency, the idea is not new. Triage is precisely what the body does when it is attempting to balance your blood pH – it will draw alkaline reserves from a part of your body, sometimes leaving the latter in an acidic state. And if organs are left in an acidic state for prolonged periods, this is when disease can set in.

“If this hypothesis is correct, micronutrient deficiencies that trigger the triage response would accelerate cancer, aging, and neural decay but would leave critical metabolic functions, such as ATP production, intact,” explained Prof. Ames in the Proceedings of the National, Academy of Sciences.

“My triage theory makes sense,” says Prof. Ames. “And it is almost certainly going to be right.”

Professor Ames is also a senior scientist at Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI).

You can read the full story here:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sitting Too Long can Kill You

You may be exercising regularly, but if you sit for prolonged periods your health – in fact, your life – could be at great risk. So, sit up and take note because Americans spend more than half of their time sitting: at the office, at home, at school, and in their cars.
Sitting too long can adversely impact your health.

Sitting too much can cause major muscle imbalances that result in a weakened core, bad posture, muscle atrophy, loss of flexibility, lower back pain, weight gain (you burn fewer calories), headaches, fatigue and even death.

Many experts have believed that sitting too long adversely affects your health. Recent research published in January 2010 confirms this. The research indicates that individuals who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or suffer a fatality.

The British Journal of Sports Medicine published information provided by Elin Ekblom-Bak of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences. According to Ekblom-Bak, after four hours of sitting your body starts to send harmful signals. Genes regulating the amount of glucose and fat in your body start to shut down. "People should keep exercising because that has a lot of benefits, but when they're in the office, they should try to interrupt sitting as often as possible," says Ekblom-Bak.

In an extensive study the results of which were published in 2009, researchers found that people who sat for longer periods had a higher death risk, and it did not matter if they exercised or not. This study tracked more than 17,000 Canadians for about twelve years.

The solution to the problem is relatively simple: take periodic breaks and stretch often.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Take a break at least every forty-five minutes.

2. Stretch throughout the day. You can stretch when you take your breaks. Download this poster that will show you how you can stretch at work or at home. Pin the poster to the wall of your work and home office to remind yourself that you need to stretch often. These exercises will help you reduce fatigue and avoid bodily injury.

3. Instead of sending your colleagues an email, walk to their offices and tell them what you want them to know.

4. Use a posture cushion regularly. This will not only help improve your posture, but improve your blood circulation and relieve your upper body stress as well.

5. Exercise regularly and spread your exercise routine over the course of the day if possible e.g. before and after work, or at lunch time and after work.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Obesity of America’s Young Males Skyrockets 67%

Obesity has reached staggering proportions in America, home to the most obese people on earth.

One statistic that sticks out is that of extremely obese males aged 6 to 19. For this group, obesity has increased from 9% in 1999-2000 to 15% in 2009-2010 – a shocking increase of 67% in just ten short years!

Bad parental lifestyle choices condemn our nation's
children to a life of disease and misery

According to the (Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

• Obesity in adults has increased by 60% within the past twenty years

• Obesity in children has tripled in the past thirty years

• More than two-thirds (68%) of adults are overweight

• A staggering 34% of American adults are obese

• 17% of children are obese

• Obesity-related deaths have climbed to more than 300,000 a year, second only to tobacco-related deaths

Sadly, there is no mystery behind this epidemic. It is directly attributable to the standard American diet (I call it the SAD diet): fast-food, sodas, canned goods, microwave dinners – most of which are chemically altered – combined with the lack of exercise is a recipe (no pun intended) for disaster. Through bad lifestyle choices, Americans have chosen to literally eat themselves to death.

The solution to this obesity epidemic is no mystery either: fresh, wholesome fruits and vegetables, lots of clean water, regular exercise and sunshine – and suddenly the world starts looking brighter!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Vitamin D3 – It’s Critical to Your Health

Many of us have been brainwashed into believing that exposure to the sun is bad for you. It’s true that chronic, excessive exposure to sunlight does increase the risk of skin cancer, but sensible, moderate sun exposure is absolutely crucial to your health because this is the way your skin produces Vitamin D3, one of the most powerful healing chemicals that your body can produce.

Your skin produces Vitamin D3 through
direct exposure to the sun

Although it has been labeled a vitamin, D3 is actually a very powerful steroid hormone that regulates over 2000 (of your 30,000) genes.

Many experts believe that Vitamin D deficiency is epidemic throughout the entire United States.

Some Pertinent Statistics

• Over 40,000 Americans die annually from cancer caused by Vitamin D deficiency.

• It has been estimated that approximately one billion people worldwide have vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency.

• 40% of the U.S. population is vitamin D deficient.

• 42% of African American women of childbearing age are deficient in vitamin D.

• 48% of young girls (9-11 years old) are vitamin D deficient.

• 76% of pregnant mothers are severely vitamin D deficient, causing a vitamin D deficiency in their unborn children (and this predisposes them to type 1 diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia later in life).

• 81% of children who had Vitamin D deficient mothers were also Vitamin D deficient.

Some Facts about Vitamin D3 and Vitamin D3 Deficiency

• Direct exposure to sunlight is the only reliable way to generate Vitamin D. Although some foodstuffs contain Vitamin D, you cannot get enough from food sources.

• Vitamin D prevents prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, depression, colon cancer and schizophrenia.

• The further you live from the Equator, the more exposure you need to the sun in order to generate Vitamin D.

• Vitamin D deficiency causes muscle weakness.

• People with dark skin pigmentation may need 20 to 30 times more exposure to sunlight as fair skinned people to generate the same amount of Vitamin D.

• Vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption in your intestines.

• Rickets, a bone-wasting disease, is caused by vitamin D deficiency.

• Chronic vitamin D deficiency is often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia because its symptoms are so similar: muscle weakness, aches and pains.

• Your risk of developing serious diseases like diabetes and cancer is reduced 50% - 80% through simple, sensible exposure to natural sunlight 2-3 times each week.

• Your skin CANNOT produce Vitamin D3 through exposure to sun that has been filtered by glass i.e. if you are in your home or in your office.

How to Get Your Share of Vitamin D3

The best source of Vitamin D3 is direct exposure to the sun (and it’s free) - expose 6-10% of your body to the sun a couple of times a week and this should be sufficient to get all the Vitamin D your body needs to function optimally. Some experts suggest daily sun exposure, from 10 to 15 minutes per day.

Cod liver oil is another good source of Vitamin D3.

You can get some Vitamin D from your diet, but it’s unlikely that you will get all you need. Oily fish like salmon, sardines, tuna and mackerel contains Vitamin D, but you would have to eat salmon and mackerel 3-5 times a week in order to get your Vitamin D requirement.

You can also use a Vitamin supplement, but make sure that it is Vitamin D3 and NOT D2. There are two forms of Vitamin D that the human body can synthesize and use: D2 and D3 – the latter is a lot more powerful and effective.